Aquilla and Priscilla — The Silent Power Couple
Who were Aquila and Priscilla?
The First time we hear of this Power Couple is in Acts 18.
Paul had just moved to Corinth and he met a couple Aquila and Priscilla who were recently exiled from Rome due to a Claudius order. Aquila was a Jew, Priscilla Apparently wasn’t. Almost everybody at that time had only heard of the gospel anew and it was easier for Jews to an extent. But this was a multi-ethnic relationship of new fresh people to the gospel without a bible and centuries of doctrine but they had a most beautiful marriage as we will see.
#Nugget 1. When Christ is in a Relationship, things go well.
The Next notable thing is their extreme hospitality. This couple had left Rome not long ago and were now in Corinth and had just set up their tent making business. Then they met Paul. And became work partners with him and even Lodged him awhile. This is part of what makes my fifth nugget which we will soon get to.
While Paul lived with them, they evidently learnt so much about the gospel and Gods power displayed, it most likely affected the rest of their ministry and the beautiful story we hear about them.
#Nugget 2. Study Gods word and stay under faithful teaching. It will be a great help for life
Next notable is that this man and woman left Corinth when Paul left a year and half later and followed him to Ephesus. Like Wait. This man and woman exiles from Rome left Corinth and followed Paul to his next mission ground. Mad! Why? Acts 18:19
#Nugget 3. Be consumed with the gospel work and be prepared to carry it anywhere!
The Next thing we hear about this couple is Why I love them Most. So, this guy called Apollos was boldly preaching the gospel in the synagogues but he knew only part of the gospel. He knew only the Baptism of John. Aquila and Priscilla heard him. What did they do? They could have: Ignored Him and minded their business or used their new status as first hand students of Paul the Great to Castigate him but they approached him gently and discipled him. They actually taught him and explained well to him. What was the result? Apollos became a great missionary and is even rumoured to have written Hebrews! There are two lessons here
#Nugget 4. DISCIPLESHIP IS KEY! Are there those who’s Spiritual Growth you Crave? Disciple Them. Is there anybody preaching an incomplete gospel? Disciple them. When you disciple others, do so with gentleness and respect.
#Nugget 5. Where do you lack spiritually? Get a Discipler
If you think this couple has bursted your head, wait till you hear what’s next. In 1 Cor 16:19, Paul tells the Church in Corinth that the churches in Asia send their greetings as well as Aquila and Priscilla and the church that meets in their home. Hollup! This couple exiled from Rome, moved from Corinth where they just settled with Paul to Ephesus and opened their home as a church! Mad! What dedication to the gospel is this! How were they so down! A very valuable lesson is seen here. Our Isolationist Christianity (even in normal times) wont work. There’s no private or safe Christianity. Open Your heart and home and love and lead.
#Nugget 5. Hospitality is key. As Christians Open your heart and lives to people and impact them!
The Next time we hear of our Power Couple its for even “Madder” reasons. In the ending of the book of Romans where Paul is giving greetings, he sends greetings to Priscilla and Aquila for risking their lives for him — a deed all the Gentile Churches are grateful for. Mad! I don’t know the exact situation but in heaven we’ll know what was so grievous that they literally saved Pauls life! This same Aquila and Priscilla! Romans 16:3–4
#Nugget 6. Do not shy from risking your life for the gospel. Whether we live or die we do it for his glory alone. And his glory is spread as his word spreads over the Earth!
But there’s another Lesson you might miss in this latest greeting from Paul to Aquila and Priscilla in his letter to the Romans. In the Same Romans 16:5, Paul says the church that meets in their home. So, Aquila and Priscilla returned home to Rome from Ephesus but what did they return with? The gospel! They went back to a home they had been exiled from for a while and opened a church In their house where they faithfully taught the gospel.
#Nugget 7. Be all in for the Gospel. ALL IN. Everywhere you go — Carry it.
The last time we hear about the Power Couple is in 2 Tim 4:19. Historical sources claim that a fire might have gutted Aquila and Priscilla’s house in Rome and they were back in Ephesus encouraging the church and serving alongside Timothy and Paul sends them a greeting again. This couple were never rich by worldly standards but they were rich by Gods kingdom standards. God provided for them. He was provident.
#Nugget 8. God Provides for those who trust in him. Trust him for provision and he will always come true.
There’s another Lesson in this last passage. Aquilla and Priscilla could have easily given up when their house burnt. Like they Left Rome went to Corinth and did Gods work then Ephesus opening their house as a church riskily and then back to Rome again opening another risk church then their house gets burnt. They could have gotten angry at God and frustrated. But back to Ephesus where they worked with Timothy.
#Nugget 9. Don't Allow setbacks deter you from doing Gods work. Eye on the Prize
A Last Lesson is a table shaker. Marry somebody on mission. Do something for God. Not necessarily an Evangelist but someone who is doing something to advance Gods kingdom on Earth.
#Nugget 10. Marry somebody who is on a mission. Be co-labourers in Christ. Make Christ the 3rd strand of your relationship and let him ‘benefit’ from the work you do for him.
This is in no ways exhaustive. But Aquila and Priscila were just amazing! Power Couple. Learn all these lessons and more!
The Summary is this: