Calling out Inaccurate “Theological” Expressions 1

Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi
3 min readAug 11, 2024


Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

Some time ago, I decided to do a little series of calling out popular bad theological expressions, songs, and prayers as well as street Theology that has infiltrated the church of today and our expressions. And I’ll start today.

The one I'd start with that bothers me the most is the very popular Nigerian phrase "Some are in the hospital this very morning, we are here giving you our praise". Really. It has a twin brother "We thank you that we are in the sanctuary and not in the mortuary". I will handle that one some other day. But for today let's look at the some are in the hospital "Theology".

At the base of our popular Nigerian belief system is an inaccurate understanding of grace/works and God's providence. Many of us are protestants and hold on to a grace-alone Theology theoretically but in practice, we believe in work-based Theology. Which is why we hate adversity so much. We believe that if you serve God as well, tithe as much (this is also why the tithe argument happens every month), and do all the externals then health, wealth, etc will be yours. The problem is that is not the way of God. And he never tires of using life to teach us a lesson.

Saint. You are not in any way better than the person in the hospital unable to worship in a church building this morning. Neither is your worship more acceptable or sweet than theirs.

God’s grace and providence have kept you at home while the other person is in the hospital and with one snap of God's fingers, the tables will flip. In fact, God is most likely closer to that person in the hospital who you assume you are better than, you. Isn't the lord close to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit? Didn't the great Apostle Paul suffer with an infirmity he cried to God 3 times to take away?

It's in the time and amid that adversity you fear so much that God produces the best work.

And history is so providentially laden with stories of saints who literally made lemonade from the lemon gave them. Talk about Franny Crosby one of the greatest hymn writers of our favorite hymns. Blind from a young age, Fanny wrote a hymn we still sing, "All the way my Savior leads me". But you're blind sis! In more recent times Nigerian-born CCM artist Blessing Offor also blind from a young age debuted with a song "Brighter Days" singing, "I know there's gonna be some brighter days". Think of Pastor Nick Vujicic and his amazing ministry. That's God's story writing, not your fair-weather Theology.

Recently I was at an Apolegetics Weekend program and something Pastor Jerry Spokesman Aluwong said struck me. In one of his rebuttals to Islam he asked about the fate of those born deaf and dumb and their inability to hold up some of the pillars of Islam. Christianity is the faith that covers everybody. It's why people like Wuni Bitrus are running bible study programs for deaf children and we have provision for everyone in church and boy the beautiful wine God presses from his special vessels.

In conclusion, get off your false spiritual high horse. Thank God for where you are yes, but don't deem yourself any better than anyone, and be determined to do all you can for his name and glory where you are.

And also. This will be hard to swallow. But mentally prepare for the eventuality that before today ends, by God's providence you might be that person in the hospital or become blind, deaf, dumb, or worse. Make up your mind and decide that whatever your lot, you will serve and worship God and make his name known whether s healing comes or not. That is the faith God seeks. To my brothers and sisters in the struggle dealing with one sickness, infirmity, or the other or living with a disability - we see you, you are not suffering for lack of faith or your village people. God has you in the palm of his hands and if you hold on to him, he will produce beautiful wine from your life.

Selah. Happy Sunday.



Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi
Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi

Written by Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi

Unashamed | Missionary; Claire Aid Foundation, Stefanos Foundation | Writer/Content Development; Sarauta Network | Encourager | YWAP

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