Chapter 21 + The Fight for Joy
For long I’ve battled how to write this post and articulate the feeling of Chapter 21 and the Fight for Joy into one post but till now I haven’t been able to do so.
As a creative, I always try to chart endings to story. That is, I could hear a story and try to brainstorm all the possible ends that are mostly happy (tragic on Shakespeare days). But when it comes to my own existence my creative abilities have fallen short. It used to frustrate me but I have come to realize that the reason is that it’s not my story and the writer of the story is not a mere human — his wisdom is infinite and all-surpassing. Birthdays are eye-openers to the script he has written in the last twelve months and I can say he’s done a great job.
12 Months ago I wouldn’t have imagined that the Fight of Joy would be out today or I would have found something to pursue with my life or I would have assumed some positions of Authority or I would have started a business and I would have found wonderful people with a (special) one in my life. But gradually all these things have come to be — it’s mind-boggling.
The most important of this is the direction I think I’ve found. I live in dangerous times with so many philosophies and thought patterns and ideologies and social pressures. I dare to say that there hasn’t been a harder time to be young and Christian and remain joyful. The devil has used everything created for good to do harm and tons of young people are dying inwardly of depression (mostly not clinical) and intense sadness — dark seasons. That’s my story partially. 2017 and 2018 were the years of the valley but in those seasons, I learnt invaluable lessons and to an extent I can say the devil can’t play me again — I became wiser.
Connected to that I used to hate my middle name. I used to wonder what on God’s green earth-inspired Kyenpiya and Samuel to name me Nehemiah when they were naming others David and Daniel but about a year ago, I decided to research. Nehemiah understood the times, spotted a problem and then went to rebuild the walls. As I continued to grow, I also learnt that God hasn’t given you a story to hide but to use as the means to shine your light.
Gradually I became an unregistered therapist. I began to do therapy sessions almost on a daily always talking to fellow young people and walking them through dark seasons — some so dark they nearly consumed me but God is my strength and somehow, I use to make sense — I don’t know-how.
This God ehn he has wayo. Then one day I was sitting down and he said oboy why don’t you write a ‘Devils Playbook’. I ignored it — it refused to go. I started, stopped, went for boothcamp and came back determined. Then my laptop got a virus and I lost the work. I mourned ehn but Baba said no worry lemme show you how stars do.
In one week basically, I wrote this book in the night around this time. I would wake up to pray then carry my laptop and the words will flow. This is the major reason I’m not selling this book — God wrote it.
So here I am at 21 with a gift to you — the Fight for Joy. About 28 pages of my thoughts and the little tact I can offer on avoiding spiralling into joylessness. It’s essential we Fight for our Joy — once we lose it Satan has won and the devil is scared of what you are going to be.
Read and enjoy. The plan still stands — the Fight for Joy is Free but on Amazon where it would be published soon, it has to cost $0.99 this is because Amazon doesn’t do free publishing. I’m no expert and I haven’t mastered everything but I think its good to share what I have — if I later graduate to SS3 ill share the new knowledge. This month started with me losing someone I never thought I’d lose and it shook me but in the days that ensued, I learnt from Aunty Elis life that life was for living to the fullest. So, we move!
In closing I give you a verse from the book of Nehemiah:
“…Do not grieve, because the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH” — Nehemiah 8:10.
Download The Fight for Joy now.
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