Fearfully and Wonderfully Made? A Rant on Christianity and ‘Pro-Lifeness’
One conflict I find hard to reconcile is our favourite Bible verses and “Theology” regarding creation and our response to childbirth when it doesn’t happen in the “conventional” way.
Ask 5 people verses on God’s intentionality in making them and they’ll quickly quote, “You carved me in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. The conundrum I face is, do we believe this? And if the answer is yes, then a follow-up question, what if the situation is unconventional like wedlock? Meanwhile, I dislike the word “Wedlock” but I’ll bear with it because I know no better one. Bear with it also.
Because, how I see it, we respond to childbirth within marriage as a miracle. And outside marriage like an abomination. And this is a faulty and leaky Theology.
Sometimes I think we follow the Theology of people like Nigerian Christianity's self-acclaimed Reformer who allegedly said pregnancy doesn’t come from God. But is a result of the natural act of sex.
Do we believe children come from God? Or from our actions? If so, why do we pray long when couples have problems with childbirth if it’s a natural thing? Why do we dedicate children to God and praise him?
On the other hand of it. If we believe children come from God, then what should be our response to children born out of wedlock? If our response to children born of marriage is to celebrate their birth and dedicate them before God promising to do all we can to help them achieve their God-ordained destiny, what is our response to those born out of other circumstances? Do they also have a God-ordained destiny? Are they not also predestined for greatness?
In Dangerous Jesus, KB called out the hypocrisy of the church in having baby showers for married women and not the others. He said and I agree that we cannot claim to be pro-life without giving backing support and value to women pregnant out of wedlock.
This is why my brother Solomon Gambo’s Dear Judith Project is dear to me. We must give support and backing to unmarried women especially teenagers and young women on the motherhood journey. Find out about the project and support it.
These deliberations don’t apply only to children born out of wedlock. But to children born with disabilities — autistic, blind, down syndrome, deaf and dumb, etc. Are they also not God’s beloved with a God-ordained destiny?
We have to do better. Generally, as humanity and especially as Africans (I believe no be only Nigerians). We must place value and show care for everyone. For every child. God made us all. And with reason. Show some empathy.