The Fight for Joy is Free
Over the past few days since I announced the release of the Fight for Joy (now three days to go!! 22nd September 2019), a lot of people have asked how much the Fight for Joy would cost.
The answer is nothing. 0.00 naira.
Here’s Why.
The Fight for Joy is a response to a need I perceived that is mental health awareness and support. I’ve told the story more than once of the deep seasons of depression I went through — seasons I am convinced beyond all reason I only survived by Gods grace because if not for Gods grace I would have killed myself or remained a caricature of myself till date.
In my walk with God, I have come to learn that God works good out of the dark seasons we’ve been through by using them to be lights to others and roadmaps if we let him to. God called me to let him use my story and I obliged.
Still, I didn’t know how to write this story. I struggled looking at my pointer for months but then in August I surrendered the job to God and he came through. For about a week at night deep at night I would wake up and just write and every day the ideas came effortlessly. Looking back, I can only say that God wrote this book because literally I did not.
Writing this book has been therapeutic as any writing should be. I read today and see things that marvel me. Some of these words inspired and strengthened and educated and reminded me of truths when I was writing and have continued to do so.
The grand purpose of this project is to inspire everybody who reads, motivate them, remind them and encourage them to keep their heads above the clouds and fight for their joy.
As such this project will be released on Sunday free to air. If you want to reward my efforts freewill donations will be accepted but beyond that and more importantly, you will reward my efforts by downloading, reading and sharing the Fight for Joy especially to those you know are in dark seasons or are more prone to them.
Thank you and countdown to Sunday — Yeah!