The Shameless — Fight For Joy Series
It’s another #FightForJoy series Wednesday. Today I’m attacking one of the greatest enemies of our joy and progress - a leading kryptonite - SHAME. I feel tempted to say Shame on you to shame but I’ll not give in. One of the greatest deterrents to our joy is Shame usually accompanied by Guilt and Regret. When we fail ourselves or others. When we fail at attaining some fear. When the insensitivity of the world says we’re not enough. When the system deems us not fit. It is so easy for the devil to creep in via shame and hold us at ransom.
See shame is also accompanied by sadness and joylessness. And like I've established before Joy is your Engine. So Shame - no Joy - Uselessness and depression. A toxic cycle. So we have a job - to avoid Shame at all cost. The most comprehensive tool for getting rid of Guilt and Shane is Romans 8:1 - There is now therefore NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! You are not condemned! You are not a failure!
If the bible promises no condemnation for your sins which you should be condemned for and punished by the worlds system. If the GOD of the universe who you spite everyday promises that once you confess you are not condemned then who is man?
You are not a failure. That you didn't pass an exam doesn't make you a failure and incapable of success. Your 5 past failed relationships does not make you a failure and incapable of love. That you can't meet up the expectations of your parents and family and friends doesn't make you a failure. There is something you will excel at. Your God When is not a matter of If but When. And you are ultimately accountable to only God and he's proud of you!
Learn to fall down seven times and rise up eight. Don’t allow the devil use shame and guilt to keep you trapped. And even when you lose focus and he gets you - don’t wallow. Rise up again and sing "Shaitan ka yi karya…”
Also don't forget to download and read The Fight for Joy book