The Sun is Also a Snitch — Short Story
You know what I love about the world and nature? What goes up most come down. That’s basic gravity. Oga yesterday no be oga tomorrow. No condition is permanent. That’s what keeps the balance though — the delicate circle of life.
That’s how something happened to Mr. Ray. Mr. Ray is the proudest man I know. His pride is so annoying. He believes he’s the hottest guy in the world and God no try for am he actually made him fine and beautiful. To worsen things baba was now yellow. Girls and Light skin kai. Mr. Ray was so naturally influential that both men and women stripped naked for him. When they managed to wear clothes they took selfies and said, “Ray-kissed”.
He now has temperament like a womam. Some days ehn. Mr Ray will get so angry and just start boiling with anger. And his anger had a way of upsetting everyone. We’d all cry out and beg him to stop being angry. Some days he’d be mild and be playing the victim card like the Baby he is. This was his usual cycle. The good thing is no matter how angry or sad Mr. Ray was still a charismatic and friendly fellow. He had that reputation at stake. Some days he’ll stay indoors for hours but surely surely Mr. Ray will come out. One good side of his pride.
But none of us were ready for what happened this week. Mr. Ray has been indoors completely for 3 days. I was so shocked. He just opens his door but never comes out and when it’s night time he goes to sleep. Even Mr. Lun the only other person we all know and is the melancholic one has been more benovelent. The last time Mr. Ray did something of this virtue I’m told is 2000 years ago when he actually came out but was silenced by noon and eclipsed totally like night when the greatest event in history occurred.
I had to research why Mr. Ray has been in hiding and my findings were as mysterious as beautiful. Mr. Ray was feeling extra proud as usual and the OGI RAY decided to humble him a bit. My findings were it was this Original ray that caused Mr. Rays first Mid-day break 2000 years ago. The Ogi ray wanted to remind Mr. Ray and all of us that he was the true RAY. He was the one who actually made us happy and was the charismatic fellow we all knew. His smile was 100000000th times that of Mr. RAY.
I had the privilege of talking to him and he promises that Mr. Ray will soon be back out. Let’s hope he’s humble so he doesn’t have to be silenced again and we cry. He also promised that a time is coming when we won’t need Mr. Ray again and we’d be with him shining in a place where there’s no Night and day. Personally I can’t wait for the world where we won’t need Mr. Rays benovelence for warmth.
At the end of the Day Mr. Ray is the Sun and the Ogi Mr. RAY is the son of man himself. Jesus is teaching us something even in this. Good Morning Jos.
You know how they say Don’t Trust anyone? Las Las. THE SUN IS ALSO A SNITCH