The Wait-Er

Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi
3 min readFeb 3, 2023


Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

Hello Medium Family! When I saw the date for my last article published, I was honestly ashamed. I’m so sorry. This year, I’m back and I hope and plan to take writing here more seriously. For those who are new, welcome to my Medium — of expression.

Some months back I was having a particularly hard day. I was tired from the weekend and my tiredness is not your usual tiredness. My medical condition comes with fatigue and body pains when exposed to much activity. I was tired and I had to shuffle between a driving job and a hospital trip with a friend that Monday. I have bible study on Monday evenings and I honestly didn’t want to or have the strength to go that day, but I am a group leader so I packed my tired body and headed to bible study. God had a word for me that day and I thank him for not letting me stay home.

As I shared on my stressful day and the demands of leadership and servanthood and commitment, my brother Nanpon Majau shared a new dimension on one of my favourite verses.

Isaiah 40:31 is one of my favourite verses to quote and it says;

“But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength…”

I always saw this verse as God fills those who are patient and dependent on him with strength and grace. But my brother pointed out the word WAIT and one of its meanings. “To wait” means to serve. There are waiters in restaurants who basically are the hands and feet of the restaurant — the ones you see.

That day I realized that I was a WAITER for the Lord. I was his hand and feet. I was doing his work and because he is an excellent employer, he was giving me everything I needed for the work including strength.

Those who serve God wholeheartedly, will not run dry because he gives them grace and strength! Glory!

This brings to mind another verse. Galatians 6:9 says;

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

God is such an amazing boss. He will surely reward your work and service.

God offers us the best deal honestly. He grants us grace and strength to do his work, and still rewards us for the work he sponsors!

This is for you who feel tired and weary. Who is tired of serving God wholeheartedly. Who is burning out on the field. You don’t have to. Take the focus off yourself and how you need to do the work you do. Put the focus on God who is the leader and visionary. God is not irresponsible neither is he a wicked boss. There’s a supply for you — if only you rely on God.

Me and you, we are nothing. Wale Adenuga says it best, “We are nothing but pencils in the hands of the creator”. But we are privileged — oh so privileged — to be selected by God to partner with him. It's not about us — it’s about him. When we make it about him, he makes the rain fall. And all glory belongs to him. If we could on our own, glory is ours but it isn’t. Make it an intentional habit to return all glory to God.

And for you who hasn’t accepted God’s call. Who is afraid of what it will entail. Who feels underqualified and dreads the training. Who is running all the risk analysis. Relax, it's not about you — it’s about him. He will take care of it. Accept the privilege of being his vessel. God cried out in Isaiah 6:8 and he still cries out today, “Whom shall go for us”. Will your answer be, “Here I am send me, send me”?

My ringtone has been the same for years. Its the intro of a song by Steven Malcolm gotten from Psalm 115:1 and I’d love to close this article with it;

“Not to us. Not to us Lord. But to your name we give glory Lord”.



Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi

Unashamed | Missionary; Claire Aid Foundation, Stefanos Foundation | Writer/Content Development; Sarauta Network | Encourager | YWAP